[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] BETA 8: discussion, please participate


Here is a summary of what has been said.

We have 2 possibilities :
1) Add a way for the user to use one plugin and recreate the devices
list for each of the plugins.

2) Use intelligent guessing and add a command-line parameter for those
who want to go against the intelligent guessing. Intelligent guessing
would work with a priority : if JACK is available and JACK devices list
is non-empty then use it; else if ALSA is available and ALSA devices
list is non-empty then use it; else if OSS is available and OSS devices
list is non-empty then use it;

I think that 1) is the way most software works, but it is also not the
most logical. 

I think that 2) requires few changes for Julien, and few changes for me
(except perhaps for the mixer thing, I need to check this afternoon).

I think that having the solution 2) is the most intuitive for the user.
He doesn't have to know if he is using ALSA or OSS, he will be presented
with the devices list for the best driver available on his system. It
means we choose for the user what is best for him, but it also means we
need to add a way to go against the intelligent guessing.

Imagine Mandrake, they provide both ALSA and OSS, then the user will be
presented OSS devices only if ALSA devices are not available on his

Imagine RedHat, they are using the old OSS, in that case only OSS
devices will be presented.

Notice that it has also less implementation problems than approach 1)
where the user could select a plugin which would be available, but with
no devices... (the ALSA plugin can be compiled in pwlib, even if you are
not using ALSA at all).

Julien, what do you think?
Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>

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