Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] BETA 8: discussion, please participate

Forget this, intelligent guessing is invalidated by the example given by
Julien in the previous mail.

Le mar 12/08/2003 à 13:22, Damien Sandras a écrit :
> Hello,
> Here is a summary of what has been said.
> We have 2 possibilities :
> 1) Add a way for the user to use one plugin and recreate the devices
> list for each of the plugins.
> 2) Use intelligent guessing and add a command-line parameter for those
> who want to go against the intelligent guessing. Intelligent guessing
> would work with a priority : if JACK is available and JACK devices list
> is non-empty then use it; else if ALSA is available and ALSA devices
> list is non-empty then use it; else if OSS is available and OSS devices
> list is non-empty then use it;
> I think that 1) is the way most software works, but it is also not the
> most logical. 
> I think that 2) requires few changes for Julien, and few changes for me
> (except perhaps for the mixer thing, I need to check this afternoon).
> I think that having the solution 2) is the most intuitive for the user.
> He doesn't have to know if he is using ALSA or OSS, he will be presented
> with the devices list for the best driver available on his system. It
> means we choose for the user what is best for him, but it also means we
> need to add a way to go against the intelligent guessing.
> Imagine Mandrake, they provide both ALSA and OSS, then the user will be
> presented OSS devices only if ALSA devices are not available on his
> system.
> Imagine RedHat, they are using the old OSS, in that case only OSS
> devices will be presented.
> Notice that it has also less implementation problems than approach 1)
> where the user could select a plugin which would be available, but with
> no devices... (the ALSA plugin can be compiled in pwlib, even if you are
> not using ALSA at all).
> Julien, what do you think?
 _	Damien Sandras
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