Re: Mouse a11y tab

At 8:03 PM +0100 11/16/07, Denis Washington wrote:
 > At 6:45 PM +0100 11/10/07, Denis Washington wrote:
 >We may also need expanders in the a11y tab of the mouse capplet I mocked
 >up [1], as there are some mousetweaks options I haven't added there
 >afaik, and the tab is already quite large now.
 >What do you think?
 > >[1]


I have revised the mouse capplet mockup based on Francesco's comments.
Now the "enable a11y features" checkbox is gone and the mousetweaks
features missed in the last mockup were added. Check it out:

I await your comments, Francesco. ;)

First of all, thanks for making a new mockup. :-)

You are asking for comments, so let me serve you. ;-)

To go into the details:

- 'Simulate Secondary Button': The title is not completely accurate, because it is only possible to do a secondary click; it is not possible for example to do a secondary button click&hold. What about 'Simulate Secondary Button Click' or 'Simulate Secondary Click'? [a]

- 'Dwell Click': What about 'Click By Software' to avoid the term Dwell to make it also understandable to non-initiated persons?

- 'Click automatically after stopping pointer movement': This is not accurate: in fact, in dwell click with mouse gestures, the click only happens if the user moves the pointer while the pointer is showing its 'trigger'-shape. Consequently, the click is not automatic in this mode. [b]

In fact, I prefer to distinguish the two dwell modes by the way the click is triggered (automatically by time vs by pointer movement), the choice of the click type coming only afterwards. I assume that a non-initiated user will first ask: "How do I click?" and only afterwards: "How can I select click type?" But I may also be wrong.

Gerds layout in revision 34 of mousetweaks uses the distinction of the trigger; it also resulted in a big layout, and I am not completely satisfied by it either.
Currently at the bottom of the following page:

- 'Choose type of click beforehand': I have problems with this; but it may be because I am not used to the word 'beforehand'. Will a non-initiated user understand the relation to the automatic click? Anyway, as this string is related to the string with the word automatic, you will probably have to modify both.

Please, do not get me wrong: Apart [a] and [b], most things that I mentioned in this email are only details and might be a matter of taste. Moreover, I think that it has a good general layout. I do not know whether the mouse gesture settings should be moved to an external window; this might probably also be a matter of taste.

Finally, I am well aware that it is much easier to criticize than to produce the layouts; thus thanks again for the time you are putting into it.



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