Re: Keyboard a11y tab

At 9:27 PM +0100 11/9/07, Denis Washington wrote:

As discussed in a previous thread, plans are under way to merge the
keyboard and keyboard a11y capplets into a single. For those who haven't
followed that discussion, here is the initial mockup I made:

Some of the smaller issues (like the a11y button still being there ;))
are already fixed in my local .glade file. However, there is still one
big problem with the mockup: the accessibility options are organized
pretty badly. Putting all options into one tab makes the dialog much too
high, so I put all "beep if..."-like options into an external
"Notifications" window. This is very suboptimal, so we need another way
to display these options. One option we were thinking about is putting
the different a11y features into expanders; expanding one of them would
lead to all other ones to be collapsed, which keeps the maximum height
of the capplet window fairly small. Here is a mockup showing the idea:

Comments and additional ideas to organize the a11y options are very

Maybe that using buttons to open subwindows might also be a way to go, especially if there are many option.

Firefox does it for example (Exceptions..., Show Cookies...):

But this is perhaps what you intended by external "Notifications" window.



PS: We had a similar problem with mousetweaks, that in fact is nothing else than the mouse accessibility. It currently uses an expander to hide a few popup menus:
 (currently the last picture of the page)

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