Re: Plans for 2.20


we already do dbus interaction, so it shouldn't add performance
penalties at all.
Ghm, so far IIRC dbus interaction was minimal - just initial "kick" of
the g-s-d from the session manager - and one request from the keyboard
indicator (if present). Your proposal to move all interaction between
g-s-d and its modules onto DBus street (did I understand you right?)
would put slightly heavier traffic on it, wouldn't it?

In fact, we would reduce login time by putting all
xrdb calls together, for instance
How happened they are separate now? I see gnome-settings-xrdb.c in
SVN. Is there anything else?

I was thinking on screensaver and power manager. Those are not really
user apps to be started at login time, they are more services.
So, you are effectively killing standard good old execution semantics
here, and introducing DBus-driven invocation. This can cause some
maintenance and support problems, I'm afraid. Do you have in mind some
list of advantages it would give to either g-s-d or session manager or
these apps/services? Effectively, do not you turn g-s-d into another
session manager?

control-center module, I guess), it could be used for any desktop daemon
you can think of (vfs-daemon, screensaver, power manager, etc, etc)
Well, if we go this way - why not take one step further and
standardize these interface on fd.o level - so the services would be
accessible not to g-s-d only but also to, let's say, XFCE?

yeah, maybe those public interfaces should not be public. But I was
thinking about uses like a 'services' capplet to enable/disable them,
apps that disable the screensaver (movie players, for instance). So
maybe we should really think what 3rd party apps would need and make
them public or private based on that.
Well, this interface (listing/enabling/disabling services) is between
g-s-d and external apps/capplets - there may be real reasons to make
it public (or public to some extent). But this does not imply that
interface between g-s-d and its modules should necessarily be public
(or even exist, from DBus POV).

interface. That is the "problem". Of course, we could always have
another D-Bus server started in the keyboard module, but that would
break, somewhat, the modularity I was aiming for,
Would it? IMHO It would really make modules more independent and
loosely coupled with the g-s-d core. But anyway - it you implement the
interface between modules and g-s-d core as usual C interface (as
opposite to DBus interface), you'd easier be able to share single DBus
server instantiated by the core.

On the other hand, it wouldn't be difficult to provide a way for modules
to "install" those methods to be called via the g-s-d D-Bus interface
I am not sure I understand how you are going to do it... May be, it is
just my ignorance with DBus technology

I hope my questions are useful and help us both to understand and
refine the final solution.



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