Plans for 2.20


So, it's time to start thinking about 2.20, since we have so many
changes we want to do. Here's a list of the things I've been collection
myself, to start the discussion:

* libslab:
	- API review, to allow the library to be moved, in a near future, to
the platform, given that other apps are starting to use it.
	- Replace bonobo_app usage with GtkUnique

* shell:
	- GUI for new GConf keys? (double click behaviour, actions list in the
left side below the search entry, ...)
	- Performance fixes (to go hopefully also to the 2.18 branch)

* default apps:
	- Merge with AT capplet
	- Add package install/remove commands, to enable the Upgrade/Remove
items in the shell

* keyboard:
	- Merge with keyboard shortcuts
	- Move to an 'input methods' capplet?
	- Layout tabs in a separate dialog

* mouse:
	- Move to an 'input methods' capplet?

* proxy settings:
	- Extend it and call it 'Network'?
	- Move it to NetworkManager or gnome-system-tools?

- Theme capplet:
	- Include mouse cursors as part of the theme settings
	- Include font settings as part   "       "     "

- Settings daemon:
	- Consolidate all xrdb calls into one

- General:
	- Split into control-center and control-center-capplets?
	- See for more ideas on capplets

We have a wiki page ( which I'll be
updating with the results of this discussion, so feel free to reorganize
it if you will.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo novell com>

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