Re: Contributing Translations to the GNOME Wiki (was Re: [gnome-women] Um, where is the G-W wiki?)

I should have read all the posts before replying, but I forget things then. Sorry.
On 17/08/2005, at 1:07 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
Ok, so I asked jdub about this - basically, there isn't any built- 
in way
of adding translations to moinmoin wikis. He is actually looking into
developing such a feature himself. In the meantime, he suggested we use
wiki subpages for adding translations to pages in the wiki. The
"standard" we could use for naming the subpages is [language
code][language name] like so: ViVietnamese. Also, we should provide
links to the translation of each translated page on the bottom.
Sounds good. :)
So, for example, on the bottom of I
added a link to "GnomeWomen/ViVietnamese" - the "GnomeWomen/" is added
to the beginning rather than just using ViVietnamese. This allows the
creation of a ViVietnamese subpage underneath the main GnomeWomen page.
Thankyou! Somewhere to start. :)
So anyway, Clytie, there is a page set up off of GnomeWomen (on the
bottom) so you could go ahead and start translating the GnomeWomen page.
Yes, that's definitely my first priority. Then I have somewhere to  
send people, and hopefully the search engines will pick it up. Can we  
include meta tags for search engines?
What you should do is copy/paste the page content from an editing screen
(so you get the wiki formatting);
Yes, that's how I've done it elswhere. It saves a lot of messing  
around, and avoids inconsistencies between original and translated  
We're also going to need a Translation in Progress page (as in the D- 
W wiki), including this information, and keeping track of who is  
translating what, contact people etc., once this gets going. I'd be  
happy to do that, and to keep track of all translators and translations.
then, wherever there are links to
other pages (for example, on GnomeWomen you added the page
GnomeWomenTrans) add a "/ViVietnamese" to the end, so you'd change
GnomeWomenTrans to GnomeWomenTrans/ViVietnamese in the Vietnamese
translation page (GnomeWomen/ViVietnamese).
That's actually much simpler than other structures I've used.  
Thankyou. :)  Trying to use WikiLinks with UTF-8 doesn't work in any  
wiki yet; using WikiLinks without accents doesn't mean what it should  
in any language that uses accents for meaning, as mine does; allowing  
too much flexibility in link renaming can lead to a lot of muddle.  
Your pattern makes sense to me.
Does this make sense? Let me know if you need any clarification! I  
it'll make sense if you take a look at GnomeWomen now.
Perfect sense. Thankyou. I've got somewhere to start. :)

A giggle moment: my fourteen-yr-old, who has had cancer, is still ill at home, and studying by distance learning: today, during their teleconference lesson, they lost their teacher! The operator was searching for her, the kids were wondering what was going on, and all in all it was a fun moment. Me being a pest, when Trinh said, "We've lost our teacher, what do we do?" I answered, "Where did you put her last?" and broke up.
I visualize this hanging telephone receiver, swinging quietly in the  
breeze, and a big question mark over it. :D
I have taught a lot by distance learning (mostly the very early  
computer-network efforts, with live simultaneous participation, well  
before the Net), and there was always the fun of wondering what was  
going to go wrong next. :D  I think it relaxed the students: they  
were always keen to participate!
Now, to, uh, whatever it was I was doing...

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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