I recently installed SVN windows client and could
successfully perform checkouts on the gimp-gap project.
Both variants of the checkout command worked:
svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gimp-gap/trunk gimp-gap
svn checkout --username hof gimp org --password ********
http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gimp-gap/trunk gimp-gap
I also want to be able to commit changes
svn commit gimp-gap
svn commit gimp-gap --username hof gimp org
failed, with the following logging output:
-- Diese und die folgenden Zeilen werden ignoriert --
M ChangeLog
M gap/gap_mod_layer_dialog.c
Logmeldung unver?\195?\164ndert oder nicht angegeben
A)bbrechen, Weitermac)hen, E)ditieren
svn: ?\195?\156bertragen fehlgeschlagen (Details folgen):
svn: MKACTIVITY von ?\194?\187/svn/gimp-gap/!svn/act/0a0a9f0c-82aa-e44c-a108-8c4
98304fafc?\194?\171: 400 Bad Request (
It seems that either username is wrong or commit privileg is missing.
(I tired the same username/password that i use for my bugzilla account
, where i am rgeistrated as gimp-gap developer)
Who can help to enable commit access for me ?
Wolfgang Hofer.
PS: I am the author of gimp-gap, but the gimp-gap project
was created and updated by other gimp developers.
(i had no network access)