Re: Request to the board (proposal)

On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 12:54:57 +0100
Thilo Pfennig <tpfennig gmail com> wrote:

> I would like to comment on the goals which are:

The information you are looking for are listed at UseCases. Twice!

> todays web
> site has mainly a content, not a navigational problem. I just wrote about
> that on the new freedesktop-promo list. Take the contact page at:
> . This is a mess from my perspective for
> years. It could be made better in minutes. I don't really know why this all
> takes so long?

I didn't see any need to delete information from the contact page
without a better place to present it.

Additionally, it's not really hurting anybody. On most other web pages,
contact information is boring stuff: Only a minority is looking at
the page anyway.

If you are able to make it better in a few minutes, why haven't you
done so already? If you're unable to code HTML, then sent me a text
file with your proposed changes.


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