Re: Revamped (on

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 14:21 +0100, Quim Gil wrote:
> En/na Murray Cumming ha escrit:
> > Maybe we should have a guadec component in the website (or whatever it's
> > called) product in bugzilla. Email gnome-bugsquad if you'd like that.
> There is one, without open bugs:


> I registered to bugzilla last week precisely with this intention. I
> thought it wasn't appropriate to push this while the GUADEC site was
> developed out of GNOME, but once the site is in our servers bugzilla
> should be the bug reporting channel, of course.
> Do I need to email gnome-bugsquad to be in charge of this component

No, they don't monitor website stuff.

>  or
> is it just about visiting it regularly and making sure the bugs filled
> receive attention?


Thanks, Quim.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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