Re: Revamped (on

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 12:54 +0100, Quim Gil wrote:
> En/na Murray Cumming ha escrit:
> > So, it's bad that there's not a plan to make this happen, but I think
> > that the GUADEC 2006's Drupal site should be a good test of this, and
> > the best course of action for interested people would be to observe
> > that, for instance on guadec-list.
> And - that will be the new
> hopefully soon. To observe, give feedback, criticise, contribute...
> > (But do try not to complicate things too much for them - they need to
> > get a website up real quick.)
> Please, do try.  :)  We need tough marking (as in football) and
> betatesters with an interest of having a cool and efficient GUADEC site,
> but also (or mainly) with a wider scope on's needs and
> possible evolution.

Maybe we should have a guadec component in the website (or whatever it's
called) product in bugzilla. Email gnome-bugsquad if you'd like that.


Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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