Re: Cutting down the amount of text on the

Andreas Nilsson said:
> Something like this perhaps?
> Some notes:
> * The quote thingy on the top is heavily inspired by the mozilla page.
> Could put something else here, but not sure what really.
> * the Where did I put Shakespeare box is a place to feature a nice
> gtk/gnome application. Could be updated weekly or something to have
> something fresh for people to return to.

Screenshots thumbnails and logos would go good there.

> * Sorry for the horrible spelling, english is not my native language.
> Please feel free to comment on both the wording and content.
> - Andreas

I think this is something that should gets hammered on over at marketing
list... The only thing I'd want to note, quickly, is that both the current
front page and the proposal above seem to think that Average Joe will read
even the first few words:

"With combination of a stable ground and a simple, straightforward..."

... without getting turned off or falling asleep. Common Sense Rule #19:
If a salesperson asserts that he has a quality that you should normally
expect anyway (trustworthy, reliable, simple), run.

-Richard Hoelscher

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