Re: Breaking down a bit

<quote who="Curtis Hovey">

> As a user, I love Wiki (all sites should let me 'edit this page').  I
> have no experience setting it up, but I cannot image that to be a
> problem.  I was actually thinking of setting one up for my family.

See -> I'd do the same thing for d.g.o, basically.

> Typing faster than I think:
> Wiki is boon to the projects.
> News is much easier for Sri
> release team will use it.
> doc/api are shifted to l.g.o
> developer interviews go to l.g.o


> Architecture, dev tools, getting involved, and external resources go
> where?  It's all very wiki content, but I suspect that belong to the
> site rather than teams

A lot of this high-level, but fast-changing stuff can live safely on the
wiki. In fact, for things like getting involved and external resources, a
wiki would rock much harder.

Also, I want to get back to putting a tool/tabs bar of all the developer
related sites on each site (ftp, viewcvs, d.g.o, bugzilla, etc), which would
make finding all these resources much easier.

It's definitely a change in approach, but I think it'll be really good for
us. Really glad you're keen for it, makes me want to work harder on getting
l.g.o up and kicking. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
                          Money can't buy me grok.

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