Re: A few selected thoughts....

<quote who="Joakim Ziegler">

> The includes are full of functions that define all the layout actions, are
> self-contained, and usually come in pairs or triplets.  For instance,
> there's a page_start() and page_end(), if there are boxes on the page used
> for formatting, there's a box_start() and box_end(), if the boxes have a
> separator built in, there's a box_separator() that can be used between
> box_start() and box_end(), and so on.

My only comment on this strategy (the rest of your email was all reasonable
and straight-forward) is that it's slightly more hassle than using a
template class / library.

Many of these do variable caching and fancy stuff like that, so the impact
of reading the template files on every page load is gone. It's essentially
what you've said, but with less continued focus on code, and more on the
content / layout.

Ah... Implementation time is nigh. :)

Thanks Joakim,

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net ----------------------------- --

       "A rest with a fermata is the moral opposite of the fast food        
           restaurant with express lane." - James Gleick, Faster            

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