Re: A few selected thoughts....

> 1.  Adding a User section to the site structure
> This seems to be the only serious qualm about the site structure that
> I've suggested, which is good.  At least we can move forward on it
> we get this bit resolved.
> I still would contend that "Community" is where we should put
> user-oriented information.  It is a much friendlier term.  It also
> suggests involvement.  I really want to encourage
> participation in the future of gnome as much as possible.  Including
> users in the "community" seems like a subtle, but positive way to do
> that.

I wanted the beginning GNOME user to feel addressed directly. But at
this point I'm definitely in favor of moving along. As you say...

> Also, I would rather add a section later as we get more content
> than have a pretty empty section from the get-go, if we really end up
> with so much content that it doesn't make sense to have it all under
> community.

I only heard one other supporter for having a distinct user section. If
nobody else feels strongly about it, then let's just add it later when
we feel we have the material and move on.

> 2. "Interests" and things like that.
> This seems like it would just be a links page.  The first thing that I
> would say is: do we want a links page?  I would rather see relevant
> links to outside sites appear in context.  I'm sure that we can
> incorporate everything that one could want in an interests section in
> the various sections that are relevant.

I think its helpful to have a resources section. Unless we're trying to
be exclusive, a thorough listing of other sites is actually helpful in
bringing traffic in. People will think, "I can't remember that
site/project/organization but I bet the GNOME Resources page has it."
(Back in my User section days, I also though it would be good to have a
separate User resources, too.)

> 4. CSS
> I'd ideally like to use CSS for pretty much everyhing.  Of course,
> going to have to support broken browsers, so I agree with Joakim's
> thoughts on doing some browser detection for broken CSS support.

I feel like discussion of the delivery system for both form and content
will inform if/how we use CSS. Is that the next step?

(BTW, I experimented with a Hubble shot for a possible Developer
background: The
main point is that a dark background needs a different color of
text--maybe the nav bar link colors should adjust to the theme rather
than stay one color.)

Steve  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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