Re: sftp module cant connect to new hosts

Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 02:57:38PM +0100, Mattias Eriksson escribió:

>The removal of security from a security protocol can only be done if the
>user is presented with a LARGE popup stating that "This connection is
>insecure and everything sent here including personal data may end up on
>the Internet", combined with at red flashing light and the music from
>the shower scene in Psyco!

	As we cannot add this dialog just now because of the freeze and
if the "security voice" is saying that we have to fail without saying the
user why it is failing and how to solve it (and this will hapen in 90%
of scenarios) , the "usability voice" should say that we cannot ship
this module with a so broken behaviour. But maybe is also too late to
disable the module.


Fernando Herrera de las Heras
Onírica: análisis, diseño e implantación de soluciones informáticas

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