Re: [GNOME-TR] resolved --Topdown BMP

Bekir bence her satiri listeye sormak yerine, ceviriyi yapip bitirdikten
sonra topluca tartismak daha iyi. 

On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 15:22 +0300, Bekir SONAT wrote:
> "Topdown BMP images cannot be compressed"
> "YukarÄdan-aÅaÄÄ kodlanmÄÅ BMP resimler sÄkÄÅtÄrÄlamaz"
> olarak yazÄp bulanÄklÄÄÄnÄ kaldÄrmak istiyorum.
> Daha iyi bir fikri olan ??
> Bekir..  "reparent widget" e nasip olur mu acaba
> A subclass of ImageWriteParam for encoding images in the BMP format.
> This class allows for the specification of various parameters while writing a 
> BMP format image file. By default, the data layout is bottom-up, such that 
> the pixels are stored in bottom-up order, the first scanline being stored 
> last.
> The particular compression scheme to be used can be specified by using the 
> setCompressionType() method with the appropriate type string. The compression 
> scheme specified will be honored if and only if it is compatible with the 
> type of image being written. If the specified compression scheme is not 
> compatible with the type of image being written then the IOException will be 
> thrown by the BMP image writer. If the compression type is not set explicitly 
> then getCompressionType() will return null. In this case the BMP image writer 
> will select a compression type that supports encoding of the given image 
> without loss of the color resolution. 
> x-x-xx-
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