Re: Moving towards actually using icon-naming-spec names

On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 23:14 -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On 2/12/07, Rodney Dawes <dobey novell com> wrote:
> > Reality follows this fine. The names were based on existing
> > implementations, and the goal of separating system and user preferences.
> > Trying to differentiate them by using synonyms doesn't make sense. In
> > the end "preferences" and "settings" mean the same thing to the user. In
> > GNOME the distinction that is attempted, is that of requiring root or
> > not, which from a usability perspective, is a horrible distinction to
> > try and make.
> >
> You didn't address my point that gnome-menus is using preferences-desktop
> and preferences-system for something else.

I did. But gnome-menus is not the specification. Because it is doing
something, doesn't make it correct. In fact, I can't say that I've ever
seen a "Preferences->System" sub-menu in any base GNOME install I've
done before. Nor do I know what would be in it. The only sub-menu I've
ever had under Preferences in a base GNOME install, is Accessibility.
Not that either are particularly well designed, but the goal here is to
fix things, not to wedge things around a single desktop to facilitate
broken UI within that desktop.

Is Preferences->System another Fedora thing? Or does it only exist if
you have gnome-system-tools installed, or something? If the latter, the
items in gnome-system-tools obviously fall under the "system settings"
distinction, and thus are appropriately under the category which is
using the preferences-system icon.

> > > > > documentation
> > > >
> > > > Where does "documentation" appear in the menu system at all? And what,
> > > > if anything, appears under it? We already have "Help" on the menu, and
> > > > it gets the "help-browser" icon.
> > >
> > > We have a Documentation submenu below Preferences and Administration
> > > in RHEL. It shows, well, documentation.
> >
> > RHEL != { GNOME, KDE }. We have a documentation browsing system already.
> > Both desktops have documentation systems already. And they are both
> > opened via the "Help" item in the main menu. The spec is based on that
> > fact. If RHEL is going to add custom menus to their menu system, then
> > the can try to come up with icons in their own themes to satisfy their
> > needs. The spec is not meant to provide icons for RHEL, SUSE, Gentoo, or
> > whatever other favorite distribution anyone wants icons for.
> Well, it is not as if there was no Documentation category in the menu spec...

There is no Documentation "Main Category" in the spec. It is an
"Additional Category" which must be accompanied by a Main Category. Not
that I have any idea why it's there in the first place. The description
is "help or documentation." I guess someone never learned to not use the
word they're defining, in the definition.

-- dobey

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