Re: interns' lightning talks at GUADEC


in order to have a consistent, gnomish, appearence I designed some
master slides. You can download an example presentation including them
from here:

Feel free to use or not use them for any presentation you give on GUADEC.

Thanks Marina for taking the time to organize all these things and
review these slides!


Lasse Schuirmann (sils)

2014-07-16 1:01 GMT+02:00 Marina Zhurakhinskaya <marinaz redhat com>:
Dear interns,

We have an interns' lightning talks session scheduled at GUADEC for 4:45pm - 6:30pm on Sunday, July 27. 
It's organized by me and Christophe Fergeau (christophe fergeau eu). Please send your attendance updates, 
questions, and slides to us off list. If you think others might have the same question as you, please feel 
free to reply-all.

You will have 3 minutes for your presentation, and all the slides will be compiled in one presentation file 
ahead of time. Please send your slides to us in the .pdf format by Wednesday, July 23. (If you are using 
LibreOffice, you can use File -> Export as PDF... to convert slides to .pdf format.) You can have up to 3 
slides with text/screenshots, and optionally up to 2 more slides with screenshots and only a short caption. 
Please include your name, your mentor's name, project, and program on the first slide. Please practice to 
be sure you can complete your presentation in under 3 minutes.

We will compile all your slides in one big pdf, so there will be no time lost on switching between files or 

We are now aware of the interns on the list below planning to attend GUADEC. Please let us know if your 
plans changed or if you are attending, but we are missing you on the list.

The core days schedule is at and the hackfest and BoF days schedule is 
being planned out on . BoF stands for "Birds of a Feather", as in a 
saying "birds of a feather flock together", which means a working discussion about a specific topic of 
interest in a group of people who share that interest. If you don't have specific plans for BoF days, but 
are planning to be at the conference, please see if there is any BoF you would like to attend or talk to 
your mentor about adding a BoF relevant to the project you are working on to the list. At the very least, 
please plan to have some time for a hacking session with your mentor.

We'll also plan on grabbing tables together for lunch on Saturday, July 26, the first day of GUADEC.


Updated list of interns attending GUADEC:

1) Nikhar Agrawal
2) Rashi Aswani
3) Timm Bäder
4) Valentín Barros Puertas
5) Arnel Borja
6) Marcos Chavarría
7) Dario Di Nucci
8) Pranav Kant
9) Anuj Khare
10) Marcin Kolny
11) Andrei Macavei
12) Giselle Machado
13) Marta Milaković
14) Fabián Orccón
15) Parth Panchal
16) Adrien Plazas
17) Shivani Poddar
18) Parin Porecha
19) Lubosz Sarnecki
20) Lasse Schuirmann
21) Martin Simon
22) Rishi Raj Singh Jhelumi
23) Carlos Soriano
24) Sai Suman Prayaga
25) Victor Toso
26) Shobha Tyagi
27) Watson Yuuma Sato

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marina Zhurakhinskaya" <marinaz redhat com>
To: "gnome-soc-list" <gnome-soc-list gnome org>, gnome-opw-interns-december-2013 gnome org, 
gnome-opw-interns-may-2014 gnome org
Cc: "soc-admins" <soc-admins gnome org>, "soc-mentors-list" <soc-mentors-list gnome org>, "women-outreach" 
<women-outreach gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, July 3, 2014 1:04:27 AM
Subject: interns' lightning talks at GUADEC

Dear interns,

Every year, we have an interns' lightning talks session at GUADEC, which is a very popular event. You will 
likely have 3 minutes allocated during which you will be able to present your work using no more than 5 

Sometimes interns hesitate about doing the talk because they've never done one before or English is their 
second language. I'd like to assure you it will be the friendliest and most supportive environment to make 
your speaking debut and English is a second language for the majority of GUADEC attendees. GSoC admins, 
your mentors, or other interns will usually be happy to help you rehearse your talk at some earlier point 
during GUADEC. Interns also typically enjoy having an opportunity to speak about their project after going 
to many talks by other people. You can watch the video of the interns' lightning talks session from last 
year to see what it was like:

To finalize how much time we need for the session and how much time we can allocate per talk, we need to 
know who among you is planning to attend GUADEC. I'm aware of the following interns planning to attend. 
Please let me know in the next few days if your plans change or if you are attending, but I'm missing you 
on the list.

1) Nikhar Agrawal
2) Rashi Aswani
3) Valentín Barros Puertas
4) Arnel Borja
5) Marcos Chavarría
6) Dario Di Nucci
7) Pranav Kant
8) Anuj Khare
9) Marcin Kolny
10) Andrei Macavei
11) Giselle Machado
12) Marta Milaković
13) Fabián Orccón
14) Parth Panchal
15) Shivani Poddar
16) Parin Porecha
17) Lubosz Sarnecki
18) Lasse Schuirmann
19) Rishi Raj Singh Jhelumi
20) Carlos Soriano
21) Sai Suman Prayaga
22) Victor Toso
23) Shobha Tyagi
24) Watson Yuuma Sato

I'll provide more information about preparing for your talks once I know how many of you will be at GUADEC.

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