GXml's penultimate report


Here is my second-last report.  Instead of traditional report style, I'm migrating towards a more topical bloggish style, for the sake of Planet GNOME.  Here you are though.

Silly mistakes in namespacing

Stupid mistakes!  I made some bad assumptions about how libxml2 handled namespaces (perhaps I could patch its documentation to be clearer?) that led me to mis-implement namespace support in GXml.  Of course, this was discovered while trying to understand the results I was getting from libgdata's test suites.  Hooray for testing the library by porting a real user of XML!  

Sometimes I used namespace definitions instead of the namespace on an element itself, and didn't have a way to separately access them.  At first I thought I just failed to assign something somewhere, and I spent too much time with gdb and print statements before I realised my mistake was more fundamental.  Oops.

I committed and pushed the changes and updated my test case last night.  There are also more internal classes of NodeList, mwahaha.  Now that the namespace support should be right, I can should finally be able to submit my patchset for libgdata.  After more testing today.  Mwahaha.

Google Summer of Code

The end is nigh!  By the 22nd, there'll be a new release you can play with.  API stability won't be quite guaranteed until I've ported a few more users, though.  GXml development is randomly projected to continue until 2018.  The format of my blogging about it will change, but you'll still be able to enjoy interesting progress (instead of weekly reports) here.  Bring popcorn.


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