TaskView: (was "Improving the desktop experience with the "Task" and "TaskMonitor" D-Bus API"): Weekly Report 8


Report number 8:

* What have I done this week?

      * Discussed a lot with UI designers. I will implement the
        following design specification:
        http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/ProgressWindow. (GNOME-Shell
        Integration is blocked atm, as some features are missing from
        the message tray)
      * Discussed a lot with KDE developers. I'm quite optimistic to get
        this project (mainly the D-Bus API) also integrated into KDE and
        other Desktop Environments (e.g. XFCE)
      * Reworked major parts of the API and started to port the library
        to the next version.
* What will I do next two weeks?

      * Port the current system to the new API
      * Nautilus Integration (Export of Task information)
      * Rewrite the UI according to the mentioned draft.

* Looking back on the previous report, how accurate was your planning? 

      * I underestimated the time consumed by IRC.


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