weekly report 2

This week i did no/few coding at all, but i have done some research and
thought a lot about my project.

The project is implementing a E-Plugin for Evolution to manage the
certificates and sign/encryption of message, using Seahorse.
My mentor give me some pointers and intrductions, which is clear and
useful. The main step of this project is:
a.Implementation of camel-certdb.h in evolution-data-server's
trunk/camel.(but my codes will not planted  here)
b.Drawing the UI of certificate management, using the implementation of

Mentor also introduces to me a Spanish developer writes the support for
libcst in
Tinymail's camel-lite. Camel-lite is a version of Camel that focuses on
mobile uses for Tinymail. 
And the libcst is similar to Seahorse.

Camel-lite and its libcst implementation:

Camel upstream and its default own implementation:

Project Progress
Following is my work progress:
1.Some update preparations. ie, svn update to the latest version of
Evolution, evolution-data-server, seahorse, configuration. and mess
things else. Then i have a new development environment.
2.read the libcst version of manage certificate in Tinymail, as
mentioned above.
3.study the Seahorse DBus APIs and write some small code to test and
4.generate a new PGP key pairs(pub key is published on subkeys.pgp.net,
UID with my gmail address) and apply for a free certificate from
comodo.net, for the future tests.

Next Week Plan
So my next week's plan is to write a camel-certdb-seahorse.c that
implements camel-certdb.h, and some other codes necessary.

i am now thingking about my code repository, usually i maintain a
subversion repository on one of my lab's server. 

Happy Hacking :)
Zhang Shunchang <freebsd13 gmail com>
PGP Key:30F9C5B9
fingerprint:7362 C766 1ED0 0AAF B994  CD83 1BD1 144E 30F9 C5B9

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