Progress report: changing metacity into a window-and-pointer-manager.

SoC progress report: June 12, 2007


This week I started implementing the multiple foci stuff. I thought I
was going to finish it this week, but I found a few problems I was not
expecting, so I didn't finish it.

The problems were:
I was sure I was going to use Xlib-only, but then I saw I had to use
gdk. Spent a lot more time than expected trying to understand
metacity's source code, and also spent a little time learning gdk
XInput functions. Something that I noted is that these gdk XInput
functions will really have to be changed if gnome applications want to
deal with MPX. Since this is not my SoC proposal, I'm not planning to
do this so soon. Maybe after SoC? (or maybe when I realize I will need

Another problem was a little bug in MPX, which I tried to
solve/workaround but had only partial success. I already reported it,
so maybe soon we'll have that part fixed.

So, what has changed? Well, now metacity knows which pointer is
clicking its frames. Now all we need to do is to send the correct
DeviceFocus and keep structures in the code to know which keyboard is
focusing which window.

As I already said, after I implement the multiple foci, I'll create a
metacity branch and start adding code there (my local patches are
reeealy ugly).


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