Re: Bugs

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:
I just looked at the 100 tickets that I filed that are still open in Bugzilla -- the majority of them are patches to fix existing bugs I found, new features, or code cleanups, or other things like that.

Only six or so were actual bugs.

I do report bugs whenever I find them, but the majority of those are resolved.

If anybody has any frustrating bugs in products I maintain, I'll gladly take the time to look over and fix them. I do get an onslaught of bugmail (waking up at 8AM this morning, after going to sleep around 9PM last night, I had around 25 new bugs in bugmail), and I try to read it all and reply and fix bugs that appear, but sometimes they slip through the cracks.

IMO there is a lack of volunteers doing only bugsquad tasks which is why developers are overburned with having to do them along with their regular code-fixing duties.

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