Re: web page with instructions for getting 'gnome 2' experience back

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Adam Tauno Williams
<awilliam whitemice org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-08-09 at 17:10 +0300, Sami Pietilä wrote:
>> > How?  Certainly not a poll, there is no way to contact "GNOME users"
>> > The vast majority of GNOME users I'd suspect never get go to the web page.
>> I am confident that it is possible to find an acceptable method of
>> gathering user input. For example, it seems that any web site becomes
>> surprisingly popular (for a while) after being slashdotted,
> slashdot certainly does not yield a general demographic;  and you have
> no way to separate actual users from trolling natterers.
>> user interface being a very interesting topic. Additionally, I
>> wouldn't be surprised if a large number of gnome users can be caught
>> by visiting gnome-shell extension site.
> Extensions get reviews and ratings;  that might tell you something.
>> > Every version gets better.
>> Important question is that are design goals aligned with what most
>> users want. If this is true, then your statement should be generally
>> true. The concern is the heavy critique that the gnome-shell is
>> receiving.
> The entire problem with this premise is the concept of "user" and their
> "wants".  Most user's do not have "wants", other than 'for it to work
> well' which is not specific.  After 25+ years in I.T. as developer,
> consultant, administrator, technical writer... I can assure you that
> asking an end-user to articulate their desires is a pointless blind
> alley.

Lol this reminds me of a quote from my boss (in IT as well).  "It's
not about what the users want, it's about what the users need!"

> There are usability studies, accessibility studies, and there have been
> long discussions about these, and long feedback periods.  I'd suggest
> you participate in those if this topic interests you.  This list isn't
> really the appropriate forum to reach into those topics.
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