Re: web page with instructions for getting 'gnome 2' experience back

> How?  Certainly not a poll, there is no way to contact "GNOME users"
> The vast majority of GNOME users I'd suspect never get go to the web page.

I am confident that it is possible to find an acceptable method of
gathering user input. For example, it seems that any web site becomes
surprisingly popular (for a while) after being slashdotted, Gnome 3
user interface being a very interesting topic. Additionally, I
wouldn't be surprised if a large number of gnome users can be caught
by visiting gnome-shell extension site.

> Every version gets better.

Important question is that are design goals aligned with what most
users want. If this is true, then your statement should be generally
true. The concern is the heavy critique that the gnome-shell is


2012/8/8 Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org>:
> On Wed, 2012-08-08 at 21:54 +0300, Sami Pietilä wrote:
>> Anyway, I think that the big question is that what do users want. Do
>> users like gnome-shell way of doing things or do users prefer old
>> gnome-panel approach?
> Works great for me.
>> Is there something that can be done to gnome-shell to improve user
>> acceptance?
> Every version gets better.
>> Statistical evidence should be gathered about user opinions.
> How?  Certainly not a poll, there is no way to contact "GNOME users"
>> How about utilizing the web page (or perhaps there are better services
>> in web to do this) to get statistical information about user's
>> opinions?
> The vast majority of GNOME users I'd suspect never get go to the web
> page.
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