Re: Two proposals for Gnome-shell

I agree that icons would be simple and faster to render on screen. Yes, they are distinctive and consistent if you want to quickly switch to a different running application, but not anymore good if you want to switch to an instance of the same application. In this case, the super-key is the quick way to switch to an instance.


On Wednesday, 09 March, 2011 10:50 PM, Jesse Hutton wrote:
The reason it's better and faster is simple. Icons are more distinctive, and they are consistent. If you want to switch to Firefox, for example, and you hit alt + tab, the symbol you're looking for will always be the same, so it's extremely easy to find. Having to look for a particular window and then the contents of that window is much more frustrating.

There must be a computer language that is 100% visual, but runs at the speed of the C language.

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