Re: Ideas and suggestions for Gnome shell.

Il giorno sab, 11/06/2011 alle 17.01 -0300, Job ha scritto:

>         >
>         > For touch Screen, Object Actions/Options, was already
>         solved, using
>         > "Hold Stay".
>         Hold Stay works if the object indicates the availability of an
>         action
>         (like a button or an icon). It doesn't work for background
>         actions (like
>         those you get by right clicking nautilus)
> A good and well design popup window with actions/options could be
> used, and will work  nicely.
> Why not?

Because it is very likely that the user won't even know it is there, and
because it is dangerous to make a big area clickable/actionable,
especially without other indications.


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