Re: Some suggestions

Am Mittwoch, den 26.01.2011, 05:49 +0000 schrieb Peter Slavek:
> Hello Everyone, 
> ...
> - The position of the clock looks too much like the title of the
> entire screen - it feels slightly intrusive. I think it would look far
> better tucked away to the right, along with the user's name and system
> tray icons, with adequate spacing in-between.

+1 for me. This really annoys me. I don't understand why the clock is
presented in the middle of the screen. I think it's rather distractive
and does not help to focus on my current task.

> - The text on the top panel in some screen-shots (*) also seems as if
> it's shouting; the weight of the typeface is far too heavy for my
> liking. I think it would look more elegant at somewhere just slightly
> heavier than usual.
> (* 
> - You should be bold and re-name 'suspend' to 'sleep'. I have always
> been confused by 'suspend', 'sleep', and 'hibernate', only to find out
> recently that suspend and sleep are the same thing. Surely 'sleep' and
> 'hibernate' go so much better together, and they are both quite
> descriptive words. We all know what sleep and hibernation are, and the
> difference between them. New users of Gnome Shell and Linux would be
> far less likely to know what 'suspend' means and the difference
> between 'suspend' and 'hibernate'. 

I support this. Make it easy to use for average users.

> My best wishes, Peter

Thanks to all for their hard work.

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