Re: How portable is the Jhbuild of Gnome-shell?

Le mardi 11 janvier 2011 à 18:48 +0100, Onyeibo Oku a écrit :
> All systems here run 64bits.  Some have real dual cores (Core 2 Duos), 
> some fake dual cores (Pentium-Ds), some Quads ... but all Fedora boxes 
> here are 64bits. When you say "install gnome-shell under /opt" what do 
> you mean by "install"?   You mean "# cp ~/gnome-shell /opt/"?
You can edit ~/.jhbuildrc-custom and change ~/gnome-shell/install/ to
something like /opt/gnome-shell/. But this is not necessary at all: you
can also install the shell to ~/gnome-shell/install/, which is the
default, and copy it the way you like to the other systems.

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