Re: help to track windows started via custom launchers

Il giorno mar, 04/01/2011 alle 14.03 +0100, Thomas Bouffon ha scritto:
> Hi, 
> I created a bunch of custom launchers for gnome terminal
> in .local/share/applications. They are just starting it with the
> option --window-with-profile=xxxx
> These launchers display well in the appplications menu, but all the
> windows are grouped in the regular gnome-terminal icon.

Applications are grouped according to the WM_CLASS property on each
window. GTK+ docs say that passing --class overrides the default, so you
should be create a "gnome-terminal-custom.desktop", that invokes
"gnome-terminal --class gnome-terminal-custom --my-args=here".
In practice that does not work though, so it may be a bug in


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