Gnome Shell Message Tray Weekly Report 3

I saw this week as a turning point for myself.  Thanks to some helpfully
critical reviews of my patches by fmeuller, I think I might be starting
to get a better idea of what I'm supposed to be doing when it comes to
sending in patches and writing git commit messages.  For those
interested in pictures, I blogged about moving the non-system icons to
the message tray[1] a few days ago, and I'm still sorting through all
the implications and difficulties of that.  What I'd never had to
realize until now is that the icons are little windows that the status
tray implementation takes control of and tells them what size they
should be.  This makes bending them to the message tray's will a bit

Integrating these icons with the existing notifications, getting them
all to match up and play nicely together, and trying to figure out how
to cleanly deal with whatever menus and other functionalities the icons
already implement is on the menu for this week.  I've also been informed
that there's some message tray reworking coming soon, so, we'll see how
that fits in.

Lessons learned this week:
-git-bz is helpful once you make yourself learn hour to use it.
-any git command is really dangerous if you don't know *exactly* how to
use it.  I will have to read up on git stash so I don't lose work again.
-the gnome-shell looking glass (M-f2 lg RET) is quite useful, and you
can click on all those underlined things to learn more about them!


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