Me being Picky: A few minor points

The title sums it up; this is me being extremely picky on the smallest of points. Why? That's how UI works in my view.

First of all, the default of a black colour scheme is... odd. Not only is is odd, but I find it inconvenient. It is so much less neutral than Grey (Mac, E17), much less calm than Blue (Windows, lxde, xde, kde) and not as natural/human-y as GNOME 2.x
In fact, I can't think of a single good connotation except for minimalism. And even that doesn't work, as black is a lot more prominent than white almost all of the time on today's desktops. I just don't like having a desktop that looks like it hates you for some inexplicably deep reason.

My point: We should start with a�much�nicer default look, and have several skins available in the touch of a button. This isn't customising, but theme-ing the same way wallpaper-changing is. And, like wallpaper changing you'll use someone else's themes instead of making your own. This may be a small deal to you, but it works for me.

Second; the overview is pretty much a�static image. If you hover over something it�should react. Yes, it doesn't�do�anything, but there is one simple reason why. It makes that person feel in control. If people can make stuff happen, they have power. That equates to happiness. I got that tip from�a post by some guy in the Experimental Gameplay Project�and I think it works.

A few font-colour changes and some highlighting and increasing window sizes by 1% on hover and all those things. They don't have to fade or anything - it isn't about eyecandy. Just some simple changes. And theme-able ones.

Last but not least.... or I'll tell you when I remember xD.

I hope this made sense and all.

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