Re: Reasoning behind panel re-implementation

On 23/11/09 10:32, Greg K Nicholson wrote:
I imagine the reasoning is that the top bar is not supposed to be a
place to put random junk, like Gnome 2's panel.

It would be wise if the sidebar (or whatever it ends up becoming
*)—which is supposed to be the place to put random junk—had some
backwards-compatibility with Gnome 2 panel applets.

* (my vote goes to a Dashboard-like widget layer which also replaces
the background-as-folder approach)

Hmm. My only problem with that is that the panel then just becomes a grey bar of wasted space. I don't have much on my panel, but small utilities like a system monitor, clock & weather, notification area and so on mean that the panel at least has some purpose. I don't really want to have to a) lose more screen real estate for existing functionality or b) have to enter a special mode just to check on my system usage -- the beauty of the panel is that it's always there, doesn't require any more room than itself, and watching the fluctuations of network/memory/processor during various operations is easy.

Not sent from my iPhone.

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