On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 6:29 PM, yvan
<lordvan tiscali it> wrote:
hi all
I designed a mockup for gnome 3 shell with gimp and posted on gnome-look
in ''topaz brainstorm''
I want suggest you this, for the future, because i think gnome needs for
new look. Thank for waching:
I find a video on youtube, is not mine but i think it can be another
suggest for you:
I compiled gnome.shell and i find a third panel..i don't like it because
i think gnome must be simple like always, i think using only one panel
on the bottom, can be elegant and simple.
Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to fit everything necessary into one panel.
The first mockup is nice. I particularly like the way that "On going" activities are shown at the top along with an interactive music player.