Re: gnome-shell moving to Git

On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 23:18 +0100, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> OK, I've opened a bug about that here:
> It should help discussing issues about that module.
> I've also set up a gnome-shell project on Gitorious (let's be open
> source to the end!):
> Hope this will allow other contributors to add code to gnome-shell.

Very nice. I spent a little time playing around with it since I actually
hadn't tried creating an account or doing anything on gitorious

Maybe it might be good to start the project description off my
mentioning that it is a mirror and have the URLs to the upstream

It seems like it would be a cool gitorious feature if you could have a
project where the "mainline" was explicitly a mirror (and even

Right now it's a bit confusing that if I click "clone this repository" I
get a repository with just your feature branch. (I was then able to
delete your feature branch and push my own "feature branch" into it, but
it could be confusing to git neophytes.)

> Owen, your git bz tool is quite useful (not really for that precise
> project since the 'patch' is large), I guess that will be very helpful
> when (if) GNOME switches completely to git.
> A little remark, though: on my (Ubuntu) box, the editor defaults to vi,
> which I don't use for a while, so I was a little confused to see it pop
> up. It's because the environment variable EDITOR is not set. While I can
> do this manually, AFAIK git and other tools usually find out that I
> prefer nano - so maybe there's a more reliable way of checking that (is
> sensible-editor a pure debianism?). Just an idea...

Hmm, supposedly git-bz is following pretty much the same steps as git to
determine the editor. It checks in sequence:
 GIT_EDITOR environment variable
 core.editor git preference
 EDITOR environment variable

Looking over the git docs it also looks like it might check the VISUAL
environment variable. Is that set for you? If not, do you have any idea
of git is finding out about nano?

- Owen

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