Re: [Evolution] Palm syncing

On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 14:09 +0100, Cornelis Swanepoel wrote:
> Sorry, I sent that privately to Nathan, forgot to CC the list

no worries.

> Version numbers:
> gnome-pilot version 2.0.10
> pilot-link 0.11.8

Well, 2.0.10 is pretty old.  We're on version 2.0.13 and have a
pre-release of 2.0.14 that is pretty well tested.

I don't know much about gentoo, but I understand that package
installation generally compiles from source (is that still the case?) in
which case you might like to try installing gnome-pilot 2.0.14pre5 from
source (see the wiki).  I'd certainly be hopeful that that would solve
your issues.



Matt Davey        Beware of Greeks bearing gifts - but
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 	Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

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