Re: [Evolution] Palm syncing

--- Cornelis Swanepoel <rools ster gmail com> wrote:

> Thanks for your reply Nathan.
> Version numbers:
> gnome-pilot version 2.0.10
> pilot-link 0.11.8
> evolution 2.6
> output from gpilotd:
> ** Message: Pilot name -> RoolsPilot
> ** Message: Pilot id   -> 1000
> ** Message: Pilot username -> Rools
> ** Message: Pilot creation/rom = 1061809021/86061056
> ** Message: Cradle Type -> USB
> ** Message: cradle device name -> Cradle
> ** Message: cradle device name -> /dev/tts/USB1
> ** Message: Pilot Speed  -> 57600
> ** Message: Timeout -> 2
> gpilotd-Message: Activating object OAFIID:GNOME_Pilot_Daemon
> ** Message: pilot = RoolsPilot
> It seems that the timeout is extremely low if you recommend 100.
> How do it change it?

What output do you get when you start the hotsync the first, second, and subsequent times? When it
fails, I usually see a message about pi_bind() failing, though other messages are possible.

Also, as Matt said 2.0.10 is very old. I do remember having problems with gnome-pilot a few
versions back (though never to this extent - which means my setup must be different than yours). I
would try 2.0.13 at the least, or the 2.0.14-pre5 release Matt mentioned. With 2.0.13, gnome-pilot
doesn't crash or get hung up.

With regards to Evolution: the conduits in 2.6 should work without any problems. The last time
they were modified was just before 2.6 was released. As of then, they were working fine for me.

I wish I could help you more; I know upgrading isn't always what people like to here. Glad that
killing gpilotd does make it work for at least one sync.

Hope this helps,
Nathan Owens

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