Re: Zire 72 under Evolution (Ximians)

> my first guess is that this is your problem.  The gnome-pilot sources
> default to installing in /usr/local, so that's where your gpilotd is
> looking for the conduits.  Your installed conduits are almost certainly
> below /usr (in /usr/lib/gnome-pilot/conduits/).  Try recompiling with
> "./configure --prefix=/usr; make".
Yes, it's done and now that's OK. Thank you very much !!!! It works !!!

All conduits seem to work (I don't know where I must put my files I want
to upload in my Zire but I'll search in doc...)

> If you are on an RPM-based system it is usually best to work from the
> source rpm.  The basic steps for rolling your own rpm are:
> 1. install the source rpm: "rpm -i package-version.src.rpm"
> 2. unpack the source tarball that comes with it:
> 	"rpmbuild -bp package.spec"
>    where the spec file has been installed at step 1,
>    typically in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS on redhat/fedora systems.
> 3. edit the source, in .../BUILD/ and create a patch file that you
>    can add to the .../SOURCES directory.
> 4. add the patch file to the .spec file, and bump the rpm version number
> (maybe with a minor version).
> 5. finally "rpmbuild --rebuild package.spec" should create new binary
> rpms that you can install on your system.
I use Debian distrib...

> Matt
Thank you again...


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