Re: Failing sync with treo 650 on Fedora Core 3

> I hate to show my ignorance, but sometimes that's the only way to
> overcome it.  You said, "using the .config from 687 or 681", what do
> you mean? I dug through the site, looking at patches,
> incremental releases, etc., but did not see them listed by that
> numbering scheme.

	rpm -qa | grep kernel

	You should be running some sort of 2.6.9 kernel with a package
number of 687 or 681, depending on where you sourced your kernel rpms
from. You'll need to either back down to 667 (I think), or build your
own 2.6.9 from source, using the config for the kernel you ARE running
stored in /boot (just copy it to your kernel source dir as .config,
run a 'make oldconfig' and build the kernel as you normally would).

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com

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