Re: SNAFU: Incomplete installs, no conduits available, precompiled packages not working

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 14:01, David A. Desrosiers wrote:

> 	Nor should it, it isn't run by a user, the capplet runs it, iirc.
But how could I then start gpilotd manually, if it's not in the path? My
bash won't let me execute a binary it can't locate for me ;-) And by the
way, after installing Jamie's packages, gpilotd lives in /usr/bin again
and /usr/libexec is empty. 

> > I made dozens of "make clean", deleted the whole sub-trees and did
> > ./configure freshly as stated in your howto, but allways the same.
> 	What was your prefix when building pilot-link? Did you use that
> same prefix when building gnome-pilot and gnome-pilot-conduits? Did you
> tell Evolution where to find both of those as well?
pilot-link with /usr/local,
gnome-pilot and conduits with /usr 

> > I followed your howto _exactly_ for pilot-link 0.11.8 and gnome-pilot,
> > but the gpilotd I get from that only gives those two dots. Again: There
> > is NO number given when calling the freshly build gpilotd, it only
> > states two dots (..) instead of (0.11.8), which is the version of the
> > pilot-xfer stored in /usr/local after make install.
> 	If you don't see gnome-pilot report the version of pilot-link when
> you configure it _before_ you build it, then you should stop there, and
> figure out why. That's step 2 in the process, and you skipped that and
> went all the way to the next few steps (building gnome-pilot-conduits and
> Evolution), which compounded the problems.
./configure for gnome-pilot gave 0.11.8. That is what made me wonder all
the time...
> 	You should do a 'make uninstall' in each source tree, then
> distclean, and start again. In short:
done so several times.

> 	pilot-link --prefix=/usr/local
> 	gnome-pilot --prefix=/usr --with-pisock=/usr/local
> 	gnome-pilot-conduits --prefix=/usr -with-pisock=/usr/local
> 	evolution --prefix=/usr --with-pisock=/usr/local \
> 		  --enable-pilot-conduits=yes            \
>                   --enable-pilotlinktest
In short, this is _exactly_ what I did, since it is what's in your

> > Anyway, I managed to install Jamie's packages last night, but even with
> > them, there are no conduits reported in the pilot settings dialog.
> 	Shot in the dark, but what does this show:
> 	gpilotd-control-applet --cap-id=1
Now it shows the configuration dialog containing all conduits, but that
is after I installed Jamie's precompiled packages.

> 	Dozens of others have used it without any issues. I'm sure it was
> a local configuration problem on your end, easily resolved. 

I know, I know. Guess why I went through the whole process for two days
and nights before making it a thread on the list. And it was not easily
resolved, not even resolved at all with the source-compile-process. I
agree that something was strange HERE, not on your side, but whenever I
don't see any more ways to investigate, I step up to the experts ;-)

Anyway, Jamies packages work for me - for now. I'm not gonna break this
state, just to walk-through your Howto once again. Maybe, if I get very
bored the next days, I'll set up woody on my big PC and try it again
there, on a fresh install. 


> d.
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