Re: SNAFU: Incomplete installs, no conduits available, precompiled packages not working

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 03:25, David A. Desrosiers wrote: 
> > 1) The "make install" for gnome-pilot seems to be incomplete. The file
> >    /usr/src/pilot/gnome-pilot-2.0.10/gpilotd/gpilotd (i.e. the freshly
> >    compiled daemon itself) is NOT COPIED to /usr/bin. Thus, after make
> >    install, there is no gpilotd available on the system. I have to copy it
> >    by hand.
> 	Because it goes in /usr/libexec now, not /usr/bin.
I see, it's there ;-) Obviously, my $PATH doesn't contain that dir, for
what reason soever.

> > 2) same for the gpilotd-control-applet which is NOT installed in /usr/bin
> >    and is thus not available. The and gnome-palm.png
> >    files are NOT copied to /usr/local/share/gnome-pilot/glade. copying
> >    these three files where they seem to belong leads to a working
> >    gpilotd-control-applet.
> 	Yes, see above. Are you sure your build was complete? I'm
> suspiscious. You know, I _did_ write a HOWTO on this exact process. Check it
> out at
I'm SURE the build was complete. Of course my "last few lines" differ
somewhat from the howto, since it's gnome-pilot-2.x stuff we are talking
about. And I did exactly follow the howto, only difference was that I
compiled from /usr/src/pilot/gnome-pilot-2.0.10/ and so on, not from the
path you gave as example in your howto.
I made dozens of "make clean", deleted the whole sub-trees and did
./configure freshly as stated in your howto, but allways the same.

> > 3) Installing the conduits with make install copies them to
> >    /usr/share/gnome-pilot/conduits/, but none of them is displayed inside
> >    the control applet, so that they can not be configured.
> 	Did you use the right prefix when building all of this?
/usr/local for pilot-link,
/usr for gnome-pilot stuff

> > 4) Installing Evolution leads to a working evo 1.4.5, but neither the
> >    gpilot-conduits nor the evo-sync-conduits (calendar, addressbook,
> >    notes) show up in the control applet.
> 	Sounds like your build is fubared.
But why should that be? And how can I tell? The compile didn't report
errors, make install was completed, afterwards evo was behaving smoothly
besides the pilot-stuff.

> > gpilotd-Message: compiled for pilot-link version ..
> 	pilot-link version what? This is a clue that your build is
> incomplete.
EXACTLY! But I asked that same question several times on the list. To
state it again: 
I followed your howto _exactly_ for pilot-link 0.11.8 and gnome-pilot,
but the gpilotd I get from that only gives those two dots. Again: There
is NO number given when calling the freshly build gpilotd, it only
states two dots (..) instead of (0.11.8), which is the version of the
pilot-xfer stored in /usr/local after make install.

> > As mentioned several times in earlier posts, I wonder very much why there
> > are only two dots (..) for the pilot-link version instead of 0.11.8....
> 	Follow the HOWTO, it explains all of this.
I DID ! Argh.
I know it's not your fault, but it is so strange. Installing everything
from scratch following your Howto _exactly_ leads to these errors
reproducably. I do not understand. 

Anyway, I managed to install Jamie's packages last night, but even with
them, there are no conduits reported in the pilot settings dialog. 

Well, I just purged everything related to gnome-pilot, pilot-link,
gpilotd, evolution, even libgnome-pilot and afterwards searched every
occurrence of gnome-pilot, gpilot, evolution and deleted those files
manually. Then I reinstalled everything from Jamie's packages and :
WOHOW! It's running now. Something has really been f*cked up here. 

So, I don't know why I (and apparently only I) always end up with a
shot-up installation when following your Howto. I guess I'll not touch
that stuff again.
Thanks so far. To both of you, David and Jamie.


> d.
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