Re: [gnome-love] Tinderbox (automatic daily build) for GNOME

Jerome Warnier wrote:
> Le lundi 10 avril 2006 à 12:18 +0800, James Andrewartha a écrit :
>> Jerome Warnier wrote:
>>> Le mercredi 05 avril 2006 à 01:51 +0800, James Andrewartha a écrit :
>>>> I've just got Solaris/SPARC/gcc up and running:
>>> Welcome then. I followed your tries, and it seems it does not get really
>>> far so far, though.
>> Yes, I'm hitting some linking issues - solaris libc has an iconv, but I want
> First question: why not use Solaris' iconv? I would imagine using most
> tools from the original OS, when available and not too broken, would be
> better. If it does not work, maybe try to fix it instead of installing
> more and more "external" software.

Last time I was tinderboxing I used it because glib was using it
I'll poke glib to see if it can use the native iconv - I suspect it was just
picking gnu iconv because it was the first one in LDFLAGS.

>> to use the GNU iconv I have installed in /opt/csw/lib. Most things pick it
>> up from LDFLAGS=-L/opt/csw/lib, but often the linker doesn't include this
>> path in the ELF header (or something). Davyd reckons it's a lack of
>> -Wl,rpath -L/opt/csw/lib, but it's pot luck as to which modules work and
>> which don't - although some have a config.rpath which may be what makes it work.
> Couldn't you play with your moduleset of jhbuild and the "autogenargs" option?
> Anyway, I would see this as bugs in the corresponding modules, and would
> report them to the matching BTS as found.

When I've got time I'll try and isolate the problem. My auto*- and
linking-fu aren't all that strong so I'll see if using native iconv fixes
the problem first.

James Andrewartha

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