Re: Requirements definition

mån 2002-06-24 klockan 03.16 skrev Jeff Waugh:
> <quote who="Mikael Hallendal">
> > * GUI package manager
> Something waaay simple like Seth's ApplicationManager [ without the
> proof-of-concept GUI... ;-) ], or Apple's System Update utility. Actual
> package management (rather than updates) could be done in Nautilus.

Agreed, I've been thinking that myself and the more I think about it the
cooler it gets :)

Installing/Removing packages in Nautilus makes a lot of sense. Having a
separate tool for updating (which could somehow get launched from
Nautilus) makes sense too.

> > * Full hardware detection/configuration. (is this possible?)
> Yeah, there was a thread on gnome-hackers about this a while back, people
> were talking about kudzu and the like. All the databases that exist, etc.
> There's a librarised system that does this sort of stuff (libdetect or
> something), but I haven't checked it out (it's in Debian if anyone wants to
> try it).

OK, cool

> > * GUI system configuration tools (XST)
> I think this is one area where we'll have to deviate from the norm, much in
> the same way that Apple has. XST exists because no one can put their foot
> down and say "all this mess sucks arse". We have to do that. :-)


> > * Remote administration of a number of clients
> Or just management facilities. One of the good things about a *nix base is
> that you don't have to futz around with things like VNC to manage basic
> systems on the machine. If we had a GUI tool on one end, and something to
> manifest the changes (cfengine or a simplfied daemon for our simplified
> system), it would be cooler for sysadmins than 'remote administration'.

Yes, this is what I meant.

> Working from that single machine base to NFS mounted homedirs on a full
> machine, and then to xterminal with apps and file systems hosted remotely
> would not be too hard (with adequate knowledge and planning that these would
> happen from the start).

OK, so lets start out with the first points and have the others in the
back of our head for a while.

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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