Re: Base distro + Requirements definition

mån 2002-06-24 klockan 02.14 skrev Jeff Waugh:
> <quote who="Mikael Hallendal">
> > OK, not sure if you read my mail, _we_ will not be doing that work. No
> > matter which distribution we choose for base we will not have to do the
> > work.
> Then what's with Bagheera?

_WE_ as the GNOME OS project will not develop it, since that's a totally
different project. Yes I'm involved in that project as I will most
probably be even if we don't choose to use it for GNOME OS.

Bagheera is a package tool that will use the Gentoo buildscripts (with
some changes to better support the requirements for GNOME OS). 

As Seth has explained APT/dpkg doesn't fully fill our requirements
either so we would need to put lots of effort into that as well.

  Mikael Hallendal

Mikael Hallendal                micke codefactory se
CodeFactory AB        
Office: +46 (0)8 587 583 05     Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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