Re: New gnome-sdk images with gnome-builder app bundle

On mån, 2015-01-12 at 21:46 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
I've put up a new version of the sdk images, which are now bumped to
gnome 3.15 snapshots, and include a few new things. This includes
webkit, which makes it possible to make a bundle for gnome-builder,
which is very nice for people wanting to try it out.

I also put the repo on another machine which has keepalive support,
which makes the ostree clone much faster. To try this, build the latest
version of ostree (you need master, because there was a fix just after
the 2015.2 release) and xdg-app from:

Then you can run (tested on fedora 21, x86-64):

$ xdg-app --user add-repo --no-gpg-verify testrepo
$ xdg-app --user install-runtime testrepo org.gnome.Platform 3.16
$ xdg-app --user install-app testrepo org.gnome.Builder
$ xdg-app run org.gnome.Builder

( also works, but is slower)

I updated this with a new snapshot that includes wayland support in Gtk.

It also has delta files that ostree master can use for faster downloads.
I've seen some problems trying to download these though, but hopefully
those will be solved soon.

Note, the update from the previous version is kind of large, even though
not a lot of files changed. This is because of a change in file
ownership in the images. All files are now owned by uid 0, gid 0.
Hopefully the next rev will be smaller.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
He's a lonely neurotic paramedic on the edge. She's a warm-hearted 
green-skinned fairy princess in the witness protection program. They 
fight crime! 

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