Re: [GNOME-my]Possible visit to Malaysia

On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 22:32, Chee Bin HOH wrote:
> > February might be a little early for me, but
> > definitely worth it if there is
> > a good event happening. Glynn would like to sync
> > this up with his India trip
> > which he would prefer to be early. I'm sure we'll
> > come to a sensible
> > compromise if we can both do it. ;-)
> That will be great, I will contact with FOSSAP and
> other groups (MIMOS open source) and see what we can
> arrange for it. 

FOSSAP isn't something where GNOME advocacy will shine. From what I see,
it's better that Jeff and the gang come during FOSSCON 2004. We as a
bunch of folk have no policy making decision capabilities.

FWIW, when there's going to be policy making decisions, we (FOSSAP folk)
have to invite the KDE team for their round of advocay. Eek, did I sin
there? ;)

> For workshop conducted by MIMOS open source group that
> will be easy, since it is conducted twice a month...

Once a month (currently), imho.

So, to recap: Jeff, Glen, and Pia (running again next year? ;)) should
probably be down for FOSSCON 2004, where there will really be more
appreciation of GNOME.
Colin Charles, byte aeon com my

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