Re: [gnome-love] wanted: php or cgi programmer with some spare time to help with gnome test spec

On Sun, 2001-12-02 at 15:07, fflewddur wrote:
check for a working
prototype.  i kept the look exactly as it was--i figured no one wanted
to relearn an entirely new test suite.

Well, if you have better ideas... don't shy away. There are very few
people using this extensively right now, and I think everyone
understands the current layout is suboptimal.

 i don't have the cgi stuff
working on my server yet, 

I wouldn't worry about that part much. If you do really want to get it
up, you can replace /bin/ksh with /bin/bash- it doesn't use any ksh-isms
that aren't also in bash. 

and since there's two files named "install"
(one a dir, one an actual file), it isn't listing the install
directory.  i'll get that fixed up later today, but let me know what you
think in the mean time. i'm still trying to think of a nice way to
include the test instructions that avoid the current pop-up situation...

Yeah, that last part is going to be non-trivial. I'd originally thought
that maybe a separate page per test might be good, like:

|            |                |
| navigation |  test display  |
|  frame     |   (old html)   |
|            |----------------|
|            | 'passed/failed'|
|            |    buttons     |

for each test, selecting a test result (or 'did not perform') would
store the data and bring up the next test, instead of the current
monolithic perspective.

The problem with this approach is that it would require either a rewrite
of the cgi script to accept data in small chunks (ugly, unless someone
comfortable with perl/shell has spare time) or the passing of all the
data in URLs that keep getting longer and eventually gets dumped into
the cgi (conceptually ugly, but maybe workable.) 

Any other ideas, anyone? 

btw--103 lines of php and 3 html files, baby! :P


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