Re: Some things I think GNOME should improve

On Wed, 2013-04-10 at 14:23 +0200, Les Paul wrote:
2013/4/3 Trond Husø <tr-huso online no>:
Very, very few users are using "help" and "settings" option. Gnome
Shell has included both on a list on the title bar, that makes that
the field "Exit" changes its position from one application to another
(which is an option used by 100% of the users). For example, "Exit" in
Nautilus 3.6 is the 8th option, the 2nd option in Font Viewer, the 7th
in Gnome Documents and the 1st one on all non-gnome applications. You
can solve it just moving these to a general application, and
redistributing the rest of the options.

I'm sorry, I just don't get it.  I can click the X, I can File->Close, I
can keystroke window close.

You can see how iOS or Android applications are evolving. 

Yes, and those are not desktop platforms.  What is good on one platforms
does not necessarily transfer to another - they server different
purposes.  Desktops are for content *creators* while tablets are for
content *consumers*.

Options are hidden, and it isn't neccesary a help option.

No, it is often awfully horribly painful to find under what menu-button,
press-and-hold-widget, etc... some option is ***buried*** on a tablet

They are made to be self-explanatory, and complexity is hidden to the
common user.

That may be their goal;  I do not necessarily accept that they succeed.

Do you need a manual attached to your DVD player permanently?

No, it plays DVDs.  That is in no useful way equivalent to a desktop.

Every day I sit down at my desktop first to discover what kinds of
problems I will have to solve today.  The DVD player solves one and only
one problem - and it is a *consumption* oriented problem.  I'm sitting
at my desktop *producing* something.  Entirely different domain,  your
analogy is specious.

Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org>

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