Re: Totem

I second using mplayer )and xine) - I've never had any luck with
Totem, and mplayer and xine are both so much easier to get, install
and run that I left totem in the dust.

Except: I uninstalled totem at work and now cannot see the id tags in
my mp3 files - gdm seems to have some of that integrated via totem....
So don't uninstall it, just don't use it.


On 6/19/07, Jim Hartley <xjimh cfl rr com> wrote:
Not sure about Totem, I use Mplayer for audio and video. I had to
configure an additional repository, Livna, to get plugins for the
IP-encumbered formats -- once I did that everything was easy.

Jim Hartley

Mark Hull-Richter
DATAllegro (
85 Enterprise, 2nd Floor, Aliso Viejo, CA  92656  Ofc: 949-680-3082
fax: 949-680-3001

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